AI Tools in the Workplace: Good or Bad for Our Conversations?


Is it a superpower or a stumbling block? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing in the office. Everyone knows about Chat-GPT, but generative AI for images and videos is also on the rise. Initially seen as standalone AI tools, we now observe business software platforms catching up. …

How to Stand Up for Yourself


How can I find the courage to say what I need to say when someone treats me unfairly? I find it difficult to tell people when something bothers me because I’m afraid of getting into a heated argument and losing my words. Sometimes my father raises his voice against me, and I remain silent. …

Q&A – How to Handle a Personal Judgment


QUESTION Dear Brittney, My manager recently told me that another leader said this about me: “her nationality shows by her bluntness in meetings.” I was told this as feedback but wasn’t given any specific examples. While I am open to constructive feedback and want to improve, I’m very …

Dealing with Criticism


QUESTION Dear Kerry, I’d like some help on receiving criticism. My problem is that there is one executive in my organization who finds fault with my work and I find myself immediately on the defensive. I am intimidated by her confrontational style. I do not report to her, but she has taken …

Q&A – Crucial Conversations in Customer Service


QUESTION Dear Jospeh, I work in the agricultural industry as a sales rep. Sometimes I must go out to a customer when a product has not met their expectations. I just started reading Crucial Conversations, and I also have Crucial Confrontations. Any areas I should focus on to better handle these…

Q&A – How to Start Over with a Coworker


QUESTION Dear Jospeh, How do you start over with a colleague who does not like you, does not want to talk with you or work with you, and has gone out of their way to try to make you look bad on several occasions? I stopped speaking to this person six months ago, but I’d like to try to rebuild…

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