Using Your Certified Trainer Skills Beyond the Classroom


Over the last three years, the world of learning and development has been turned upside down. Our “normal” ways of helping others learn crucial skills have been halted, changed, or disappeared altogether. Within our Crucial Learning community, we have certified trainers who anxiously moved …

Q&A – How to Say A Different Kind of No


QUESTION Dear Joseph, At work, many times we have to say no to internal customer requests because they aren’t priorities or because we aren’t the people who can help them. The problem is that our staff has learned to say no too well and it’s becoming a negative experience for our internal…

Q&A – The Anatomy of an Apology


QUESTION Dear Justin, I recently did something hurtful to a family member. Shortly afterward, I said I was sorry but the person didn’t seem to accept my apology. I’ve tried to reach out but they are giving me a bit of a “cold shoulder.” They still seem bugged about what I did. I feel …

Your Native Tongue


Years ago when I was teaching a leadership seminar for a large multinational, the president of the European division came to speak to this group of 40 managers who came from about ten countries. His introduction included the fact that he spoke seven languages fluently. After a greeting and a …

Verbal Violence: Creating a New Normal


One day, while waiting at the airport for a flight home, I watched an older fellow tear into a gate agent for not putting him and his wife on the next plane (it had been overbooked). At first, the airline employee maintained her composure, but after being verbally attacked for what seemed like …

Q&A – Feasting with Unruly Relatives


QUESTION Dear Joseph, With the holidays quickly approaching, I have found myself caught in a sucker’s choice with my family. My wife and I have made it a tradition to travel to my parents’ home seven hours away for Thanksgiving. This year, my parents informed me that my sister will also …

Q&A – Responding to False Accusations


QUESTION Dear Al, One of my coworkers said I didn’t involve him in a decision I made, but I did. I told him I relayed his input—he is the expert in this area—to another person, as he asked me to do. He said I made the decision to meet with this person without inviting him. When I try to …

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