5 Strategies from the GTD Method to Manage Your Workload


Imagine this. Every day you plan 3 major tasks to complete, 3 things you can get done in 30 minutes, and a handful of 5-10-minute tasks. You manage to pick up those 5-10-minute tasks between the major ones, but now your 30-minute tasks have piled up because they never make it to the top of your …

Epic People Named Benelux Partner for Getting Things Done Training


After having held exclusive rights to Crucial Learning training in the Benelux for over a decade, Epic People is now privileged to add the Getting Things Done Foundational Course to its core curriculum. This new partnership allows the international training company to expand its service offering …

Try This When You’re Feeling Overworked and Overwhelmed


QUESTION Dear Emily, This year I started out motivated, with goals for health, productivity, and things I want to learn at work and personally. However, our company is undergoing ANOTHER reorganization. Some people were let go and other jobs are being moved overseas. I’m a people manager with…

Q&A – 5 Tips to Improve Focus


QUESTION Dear Justin, In a world full of distractions, how do you focus on the ‘right’ things? Signed, Distracted Author: Justin Hale Master Trainer @ Crucial Learning ANSWER Dear Distracted, This is such a …

Q&A – Speak Up to Keep Up: One Trick to Manage To-Do


QUESTION Dear Brittney, I find that I am asked to do more in a day than I can actually accomplish. Each day, I might get ten things done but twenty new tasks get added to my list, so the list just grows and never shrinks. I try to always focus on the most important tasks, but the additional …

How GTD® Transforms Teamwork


How GTD Transforms Teamwork I won’t name names… but… a few lucky people I work with regularly get emails from me that start like this: “Hey there. I am just doing my weekly review and going over my @Waiting For list. Unless I have missed it, I haven’t received a response from you on …

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